After a long night on the beach, one boat arrived, we went to sleep. Later on we went to Better days for Moria again where mostly Pakistan people are staying. We helped new arrivals with new and dry clothing. It felt like my job was to be a personal shopper! So nice to make wonderful combinations of secondhand clothing and see woman and children leave with a big smile on their face : )
On this camp they serve the lunch at 1:30pm. Around 12:30 there was already a big line. We had to check the line the whole time to make sure nobody cheated. Young guys see it as a game to bump in somewhere half way the line. It was a hard job, because it where only men standing in line it sometimes gets aggressive. This day everything went fine, but still you could feel the tension.
After working in Better days for Moria we wanted to go to the harbor for the 8pm boat. It was quite hard to find our way because the whole city was blocked. It is Carnival over here, and in Greece it means everyone is dressed like it is Halloween ... So there was a parade on the road, direction harbor. We ended up in small, very small streets; it went alright for a long time but...
We (or let’s just say: Andrea) hit an iron pole that was placed beside the corner of a house. Nobody hurt of course because we went with the speed of 5km. But the car was euhm.. well a bit 'less perfect' ... : (
After the harbor we all went for dinner! It was really nice to hear all of the stories from each other, because it is almost our last day!
Around 10pm we went for a short sleep and around 3:30am we left again for the beach.
This is a photograph is made in the refugee boat. All does boats are so full. It is crazy...
Also there is a video going around that shows how they are forced to go on does full boats. There was one refugee who didn't want to go on the boat because he thought it was already too full, but they forced him with guns to go on it...
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